Yellow Day

June 6, 2012

it’s late

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — peachypoetry @ 5:05 am

Some nights I stay up late just because my life isn’t complete. 

As if I were waiting for something to happen.

The important thing. 

Although I’m never quite sure what it is.

Dreamy music doesn’t help me feel any more prosaic. 

March 29, 2012

Happy List

Filed under: happy, life — Tags: , , , , — peachypoetry @ 2:43 am

Here’s my list of happy things for the day.

Teabag Art:

Photo Frame Clock

Glitzy Scarf

Springy Dress

Funny Coffee Sleeve

March 18, 2012


Filed under: Uncategorized — peachypoetry @ 2:47 am


You know that book review blog I wanted to start with darling early 20th century obscure books?



I’m kind of dizzy with excitement right now.  All these books to read.



March 3, 2012


Filed under: entertainment, film, movies — Tags: , , — peachypoetry @ 2:16 am

Someone kind needs to tell me a good Grace Kelly movie to watch.  I know she has some really famous, good ones.  So someone just tell me one that they really like and I’ll watch it.  I don’t know where to start.

It’s sort of embarrassing that the only movie I’ve seen her in is High Noon.  And I haven’t seen that since I was a child.

But she is such a beautiful, graceful person and I know I will like her intensely now that I am grown.

January 28, 2012

run with joy

Filed under: life — Tags: , — peachypoetry @ 5:00 am

And today’s picture is . . .

No, I promise I’m not going to do this every day.  As tempting as it is.

January 27, 2012

Filed under: happy — Tags: , — peachypoetry @ 2:25 am

This picture is such perfection that I had to share it with the world.  🙂

January 11, 2012


Filed under: life — Tags: , — peachypoetry @ 2:32 am

It has come to my attention that I like owls.  More specifically, cute little fake ones; necklaces, earrings, the bright yellow ones on shirts.

It has been a surprise to me, I’ll admit.  I’ve gone past dozens of owl accessories in stores without more than a slight squeal, and have thought myself perfectly hardened to their charms.

But the people who know me best have decided that I like owls.  Over the last month, owls have been fairly thrown at my head.  I’m on Pinterest, and all of a sudden my friends have been pinning owls galore on the boards dedicated to me.  I even got an owl necklace for Christmas.

Even at work I find myself surrounded by these cute little owls.  Banks, mugs, cards, even the bags we use to bag purchases in.

It is a startling revelation.

Mind you, please don’t start sending me life sized statues of owls.  I have nothing against real, live owls, who can tend to be rather cuddly, but real life representations (such as realistic paintings and statues) are slightly freaky.

If I must like owls, it must be cute little pink and red and yellow ones.  Like this.


January 8, 2012

my paths draw your clear mind

Filed under: books — Tags: — peachypoetry @ 1:30 am

When I am quite clear minded, someday, I intend to start a blog to review all the books that no one reviews.
Old, early twentieth century novels that nearly everyone (except me) has forgotten.

Well, I’m hoping that not *quite* everybody has forgotten them, because who would read my blog?

October 6, 2011


Filed under: life — Tags: , — peachypoetry @ 1:02 am

I can’t remember having ever had such a beautiful Fall before.

The weather has been very varied.  We’ve had stormy days and bitter cold days and balmy sunny days.  The whole last week has been sunny and warm, and I’ve been running around taking pictures and having a grand time.

The trees are just gorgeous.  It seems like I’ve never seen them so bright before-and they’re lasting, for once!  It makes me so happy.  I want to capture it all.  I hope no more storms come and blow all the leaves away.

Seasons usually disappoint, but this one doesn’t.

September 24, 2011


Filed under: poetry — Tags: , , — peachypoetry @ 2:21 am

Saratoga silver flights
in a chartreuse dome
Sky’s the name for ecstasy
and it’s my name too.

Tie me down or I’ll slip away
I’d fly so far I’d hit a star
or else I’d go beyond
and what’s up there?

Grow me a tree of words
Tie my tether there;
Trees grow high
‘cause they want to reach the sky
and so do I.


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