Yellow Day

March 3, 2012


Filed under: entertainment, film, movies — Tags: , , — peachypoetry @ 2:16 am

Someone kind needs to tell me a good Grace Kelly movie to watch.  I know she has some really famous, good ones.  So someone just tell me one that they really like and I’ll watch it.  I don’t know where to start.

It’s sort of embarrassing that the only movie I’ve seen her in is High Noon.  And I haven’t seen that since I was a child.

But she is such a beautiful, graceful person and I know I will like her intensely now that I am grown.

September 3, 2010

Movies that I’ll Remember (mostly in a good way)

Filed under: entertainment, movies — Tags: , , — peachypoetry @ 2:46 am

1. Signs

2.Pride and Prejudice ’05

3. The Lord of the Rings

4. Sabrina

5. Batman Begins

6. Jane Eyre ’08

7. It’s a Wonderful Life

8. The Village

9. Ever After

10. Wall-E

11. Cranford ’07-08

12. Howl’s Moving Castle

13. Little Dorrit ’08

14. Sense and Sensibility ’95

15. Roman Holiday

February 9, 2010


Filed under: entertainment, movies — Tags: , , — peachypoetry @ 8:36 pm

I was looking at Audrey Hepburn pictures today, and it made me want to watch more of her films.  I couldn’t find Breakfast at Tiffany’s right away, which was my initial choice, so I settled for Sabrina-and was charmed to the high heavens.

I haven’t seen any Humphrey Bogart films in quite a while, so I was rather surprised-and pleased-with how much I loved and hated him during the course of the movie.  I think I might have hated him more than any one in the world if he hadn’t ended up loving Sabrina.   The way he is so cold and confident; the way he can utterly and completely pull a mask over himself.  How he so cold bloodedly mixes up peoples lives.   He makes me feel all queer inside.  But he’s also fascinating and intriguing.  Confusing.   I both love and hate him.  Mostly hate.

I loved Sabrina.   When I had to go downstairs to make and eat lunch right at the “interesting” part, I could hardly breathe during all of lunch.

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